What's your first symptoms before knowing you are pregnant?

I didnt have any symtoms! Lucky me for both child. I started having cravings only for my second. However i know many of my friends had terrible morning sickness. Also for me, i couldnt take beef, made me feel sick that was when i was about 3 months into pregnancy.
before I knew, I got mad easily and when I do my abdomen hurt like period cramps. I was also always hungry like I have to eat every 2 hours. I also got dizzy and a few headaches. I waited for 11 days after I missed my period before I tested and sure enough it was positive.
I missed my period for 3 days and I did a test on sunday... POSITIVE! 😍 But I noticed weird feelings, tingly breasts, stomachache and backache and actually these wasn't the signs when my period was coming. So, I knew something happen! 😊
I got 1 side bad headache... after left side stop pain.. the next side pain... fever ,cough flu on off.. stomach cramp on off. breast n nipple always in pain.. over sensitive with small matter... weight loss but the clothes are tight...
Taking naps on a holiday. I used to think spending time in the hotel sleeping is a waste of time. I rather chill in a cafe than go back to the hotel, but I found myself doing this quite often during the last few days of my holiday.
What's your first symptoms that make you realise that you're pregnant ? I missed my periods 4 days but not have other symptoms like cram or backaching , dizzy or anything . How can I know that I'm pregnant or not
I had a dream I was pregnant so I took a test and well it was positive 😂 Then I had a dream I was breastfeeing a baby boy and well I am having a boy 😂
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bleeding.. i thought that i have period for a long time..cramp.. almost a month.. then i test it with clearblue pregnancy test.. that is when i know that i'm pregnant about 4-5 weeks..
Hi! You have a spotting longer than 4 days? Because i’m now 6 days delayed with my period and that 6 days i have on and off spotting.. only seeing the pinkish discharge when wiping a tissue..
i got itchy my both arms because my 1st born symptom was that one and the other one is i never throw up when i brush my teeth, but that day, i was really confirmed that i am pregnant before i do the test.
Dreaming of becoming a parent