6 Replies

I used Combi Well Comfort for almost 3 years. Served me very well, affordable, light weight (4.6kg) and can use one hand to fold and stand. However, my girl had outgrown it with her feet resting on the moving wheels which I find it very dangerous. Recently bought Bugaboo Bee3. Much spacious. Downside is, it's heavier and I have to use two hands to close. I still love it so much because it's so spacious ( my girl is 3 and there is still so much room to accommodate her growth) and sturdy! Big bassinet, lots of accessories, easy to manoeuvre. Definitely worth the price.

Bugaboo bee stroller is it easy to open and keep in cars? How much did you get?

My favorite stroller brand is BabyZen YoYo. It is the first folding buggy to fully comply with size recommendations for cabin luggage and able to fit in the overhead compartments in the airplane. It's is very compact, light weight, travel friendly, one-hand fold, easy to steer one handed and there's many colors to choose from.

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I'm a fan of bugaboo bee3. Going to get it for our baby due very soon. It's customizable and we love the sleek design. It's very sturdy too cuz of its multi terrain functions esp since we don't drive.

I love the look of Bugaboo strollers, they're always so sleek, sturdy and stylish. In my travels, I notice that the Bugaboo Cameleon is very popula, probably because of its multi-terrain functions.

How much did you buy?

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Am a big fan of the stokke xplory. It's very sturdy.

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