4 Replies

There could be several reasons your toddler isn't eating. Getting to the root cause could be the key to finding out why they aren't eating. It could be anything from teething to the fact that they simply aren't interested and their taste has changed. I would try different types of food and also start by asking them simple questions like: "Don't you like avocado anymore", "what would you like to eat", "how about some porridge?", "would you like me to read you a story while you eat?" etc.

VIP Member

When my daughter was a toddler, one of the reasons why she doesn't eat is because she had too much milk. Like every time she is hungry she asks for it. I lessened it and intro healthy food and as we days moved on she learned to eat solids already and prefer it more than milk. Routine and schedule play a big role too.

VIP Member

It's possible a toddler won't eat because they aren't hungry as often as you expect them to be. If your toddler won't eat foods he once liked, try serving them in new ways, but also remind yourself that it's normal for toddlers to go through phases of loving and not loving foods.

How old is your toddler, and what are you feeding him? If below 1 year old, milk is main food source. If unsure, pls check with your pd.

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