weight of your newborn?

What is the weight of your newborn? And how many weeks did you deliver your NB? Gender?

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2.77 at 40 weeks. Gynae was a bit concerned off her lots weight at full term and was placed under glucose monitoring for the first day

Baby girl 3.4kg, 10days earlier than EDD. First baby but delivered in 5 hours after my water bag broke 😆

Son 3.9kg 40 week Dotter 3.4 39 week Dotter 4kg 39 week Dotter 3.6kg 39 week Dotter 3.8kg 38 week...

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Super Mom

35+ weeks, 2kg girl 😊 the first month was very small but now chubby and cute hehe

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35weeks ,2.4kls baby boy preterm labor due to premature rupture of the membrane

C sec at 37 weeks due to baby in breech position. She weigh 2.41kg.

38 weeks, 2 days via emergency csert. Weighing 3.05kg, baby boy.

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Both c-set first boy 40+1 day 4kg. Second 35.5 weeks, 2.6kg

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My twins was so tiny.. Haha 1.65 kg 2.35 kg At 32 weeks 2 bb gal

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6y trước

But they add up to be exactly 4kg at 32weeks. If thats one baby, its hugeee... Hahaha

Twin baby girls.. 36+5 weeks. Twin A: 1.7kg Twin B: 2.2kg