postpartum belly binder
what type belly binder/bengkung is the best after giving birth and do i wear it straight after giving birth? 🥺 #1sttimemummy #advicepls
depends on the individu preference. i dont fancy the 3 binder because whenever i sit, it will somehow dig into my skin and it is very painful and sometimes it will roll down and isnt really comfortable. the traditional bengkung that i have is way much better. also if you have girdle, you can put it on the second day. i wore the next day when going home from the hospital because after 9 months of carrying someone and then none puts alot of pressure on my pelvis and i felt so empty and hanging. and got my post natal massage on the 3rd day and wore the bengkung all the way for 44 days and girdle for at least a year.
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Mother of 2 boys