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Chào mừng các bạn đến với công ty sửa nhà Hoàng Giang ngày hôm nay chúng tôi xin giới thiệu đến các bạn dịch vụ sửa nhà tại Hà Nội chuyên nghiệp đang được nhiều khách hàng sử dụng trong nhiều năm qua Với kinh nghiệm nhiều năm trong lĩnh vực sửa chữa nhà Hoàng Giang luôn được sự đánh giá cao về dịch vụ cũng như chất lượng thi công. Để sử dụng dịch vụ của chúng tôi một cách tốt nhất xin quý khách hãy liên hệ ngay đến Hoàng Giâng để nhận tư vấn.. Với kinh nghiệm của chúng tôi hoàn toàn đảm bảo đến sự hài lòng cho quý khách xin hãy tham khảo tại website: http://xaydunghoanggiang.com/pages/sua-nha-tai-ha-noi

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In this day and age where almost all of the families are busy with their own whereabouts--business, work, school, etc. It's a bit hard to find time to sit down altogether for dinner unless it's a gathering or there are certain occasions. In our family, it's also rare that we sit down altogether during dinner time. Dinner is usually prepared at 6-7pm though the first ones to eat are my mom and my younger siblings. But during weekends, we make it a point to have dinner (or even lunch) together to catch up. It's also our way of family bonding.

According to me having dinner together as a family is a good thing for your kids, and I think that it could change our child’s life. Dinner is the best predictor we have of how kids will do in adolescence. It has seen, the more frequently kids eat dinner with their families, the better they do in school, and the less likely they are to get involved with drugs or alcohol, suffer depression, consider suicide, or become sexually active during high school. So I always try to have dinner with my family, for at least 4-5 times a week.

Though, we don't have the ideal dinner timings, but we have dinner together. Sometimes my daughter wants to see television while eating dinner, which we do not appreciate but we do not force her not to if she makes a real sad face. Also, that half an hour till the time she has her food is her only television time. My husband and I generally eat together, unless he gets late for some party or at office when I have dinner first.

VIP Member

I have dinner outside after ending work and reach home around 6pm. We rarely have sit down dinners at home because my dad prefers to eat out. However, when my baby grows big enough to join us at the dinner table, I'll make it a point to prepare dinner at home. I believe it's very important for families to sit down together each day and share about what happened in their day. It helps to bond the family.

I usually have dinner at home around 8pm, sometimes my kids and husband will want for me before they start dinner, other times they'll eat first as they've to study for their tests and what not. On weekends, we'll go to my mother in laws place an my mum's place for dinner. I've this one rule whenever we are eating, no electronic devices around the dinning table. :-)

At my sister-in-law's place, the children get to eat first (around 5pm to 6pm), then the adults will eat after settling the two little ones. That usually means dinner at 8pm (earliest, and hardly happens) or later for the adults. My sister-in-law will want to have dinner together at the same time once the youngest is older.

Growing up, everyone was always so busy we only had a proper sit down dinner on Saturdays and on special occasions, we would eat out somewhere nice. But during Ramadhan (fasting month), everyone in my family makes it a point to come home early to have dinner together, making the experience much more meaningful.

Normally, we wait until everyone is home from school and work before eating, so that we can all have dinner together. For me, dinner time is really important, it's a chance for us all to catch up with each other, see how each other's days was and bond as a family! My dinner table rule - NO MOBILE PHONES!

Yes, dinner is usually at home and together. I feel that it's important as it will create a special bonding together with the kids and allow them to have this habit since young. When this becomes a habit, when they grow up, they will automatically be home for dinner as well.

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