3 Các câu trả lời

I use Organic Shampoo from Watson, it has no sls, sles, als, ales, petrochemical cleansers and parabens. As for my body soap I use Johnson's baby soap also available sa watson. Toner and other stuff, I use Human Nature. Not sure if available sa watson, but most of the time I do the natural way: Sugar+Honey+Calamansi as scrub, Calamansi+Distilled Water as toner, Indian Healing Clay Mask+Apple Cider Vinegar as facial mask.. unbeatable!

woww thank u so much .. i fojnd some human nature products sa beauty MNL app .. what bout himalaya .are they good too ?

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I think anything na safe for baby should be safe for mom, so mga Johnson’s baby products hehe

qhaha i know right thank u mamsss

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