Cutting nail for baby on bed during pregnancy for second child.
What should i do as i can only cut my first born nail while he is sleeping.. and he only fall asleep on bed and cant move him to other place cause he will wake up. And im pregnant with e second child and elderly always say dun cut anything on bed.

Okay I’ve never heard of this superstition. Why can’t cut nails on bed while pregnant with 2nd? Anyway, I will always distract my firstborn by switching on YouTube for her to watch while I cut her nails quickly and carefully. Sometimes she will pull her fingers but I’ll grab them and push her attention towards the phone instead. I’ll ask her what’s on and describe what is showing on YouTube. She’ll get distracted again and I’ll go back to cutting her nails. Shows from Cocomelon, Bounce Patrol, Super Simple Songs, Chu Chu TV, Kids Diana Show, Gaby and Alex, etc. Sometimes she’ll ask to change, so I’ll entertain her first then back to cutting her nails. Or I’ll tell her, if you want to go jalan-jalan, must cut nails first okay? Lol. She’ll understand and stay put.
Read moreTry to train first born to cut nails awake? I used to cut my first born nails when she is sleeping. Thn slowly I train her for nails cutting while she is awake. Watching super jojo helps as a form of distractions. Now I'm pregnant with second child, I always bring my first child out to living room to help her cut nails. On super jojo before cutting her nails for her. But training take up lots of time. Jiayou💪🏻💪🏻
Read moreerm, I been cutting my first born fingernails in bed as he hate it whenever I try to cut it be it he is watching YouTube or not.. so only way is during his sleep time.. I currently wk 26 pregnant with my second one.. should be ok I guess.. I dun have any other ways also for now..
It’s just superstition
Got a bun in the oven