Breast pump? Important ? Cuz I’m just housewife not working mom .

What should i do? Buy or let it be.

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buy, an economic brand will do. you may start pump once a day (for storage) and try to give yr baby bottle w expressed milk as early as 2 weeks old, again once or twice a day (don't worry about nipple confusion) so when you have to go somewhere with out yr baby, like my case, to KK for my depo jab, you can leave yr baby with yr husband or family, fret not, she can feed yr milk from a bottle. it will bring you such no pain or worry

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4y trước

alhamdulillah anak puan takde masalah nipple confuse. sbb saya baca pengalaman org lain ramai ada masalah nipple confuse, salah satu faktor bg botol bawah sebulan 😅. tu yg saya tanya. ikut baby rasanya.tq puan share pengalaman.

saya rasa bagus kalau beli, boleh buat stok susu badan.. manalah tahu kan tetiba ada emergency cth kena warded ke (nauzubillah minzalik) then baby pulak tak nak formula milk.. saya cakap mcmni sbb saya pon hrtu tetiba warded .. padahal sebelum ni sihat je.. sepanjang warded risau kan baby tapi Alhamdulillah ada stok susu kurang sikit rasa risau ..

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i think it is important if you want to teach your baby to have a milk using bottle. sometimes it is more practical in certain conditions then direct breastfeed. just buy the simple one. at least you can have a backup of milk supply when it comes to emergency. prepare milk warmer too.

4y trước

Ok thank you mummies for answering my question

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Kalau saya suri rumah, saya tak beli breast pump. Cukuo setakat milk collector. Boleh pakai di sebelah breast sementara direct feeding di sebelah lagi. Susu yg tadah tu boleh simpan utk case of emergency. Sbb bukan nak pump buat stok banyak2 pun kalau suri rumah.

beli. Sbb sy pn hsewife n x preapre breastpump sblm bersalin. Ank plk lahir2 mmg xnk hisap breast kanan smpi bengkak. Nk beli pam wktu tu pkp bru start mmg menangis laaa. So nasihat prepare je pam tu. Beli yg murah kt shopee. Kita xtau keadaan in future.

Beli.. takot bengkak.. nti anak tdo, susu penuh leh pam.. xrugi Pon beli.. susu leh simpan dlm frezer, n then panaskan .

Prepare je breast pump, breast pad, storage milk. Incase jadi apa apa senang.

Beli kat shopee ade yg murah tp xde brand la.. Its okay xde brand janji ade..