11 Replies

During first trimester , I got ultrasound at week 5.5 (first gynae appointment), then week 8, week 12. And the Oscars test at the end of first trimester. I am in 2nd trimester and so far I have a bedside ultrasound scan at every appointment with the gynae. And my next detailed ultrasound scan is at 20 weeks

VIP Member

In the 1st trimester, doctor recommended 2weeks once as it’s needed for close monitoring, from 2nd trimester onwards once a month checkup is enough

I've got my first scan when I was 5.5 weeks, then 7.5 weeks. My next appt will be 11.5 weeks. So approx 3 for 1st Tri I guess?

I have scans every week in 1st trimester. Im Super paranoid whenever I see spotting , so I go to see gynae to get it check.

Where did you do your weekly scan? Your private gyane? Or hospital? I’m paranoid too as I had a MC before.

Had it at 8 weeks (first appt) then next is 12 weeks. It is also case to case basis. Everybody is different.

I FOUN THIS ABOUT ULTRASOUND SCANS AND HOW MANY SHOULD https://yademasmama.com/en/why-ultrasound-scans/

Super Mum

I had ultrasound every 2 weeks during first trimester due to history of miscarriage.

Guess it depends on your hospital or the scheme u are in. I am under kkh subsidies. Had one at week 9, another at week 20 (gender reveal), and at week 32. I recently had another one at week 38.

For 1st trim, I requested to visit weekly due to my high risk pregnancy. Subsequently for my 2nd trim onwards, my gynae arranged the the number of visits & scans, usually 3-4 weekly once. Discuss with your gynae and if you felt you need more frequent scan, ask for it. Else the gynae will arrange it..

Im approaching my 13th week now and so far this ill have about 2 scans.

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