6 Replies

I don't understand. Either u keep the child - because like u say u love ur baby - or u don't - have it permanently out of ur life through abortion or adoption. Adoption ain't that bad because u can see if can be arranged that the child can keep in contact w u when grow up but then again, what's the point of giving away then? Pls go for counseling. Unless u want to give birth and let ur parents adopt ur child or a close relative or friend adopt the child

If you want to keep the child but can't afford it, maybe try to seek help from organisation like boys town which have foster parenting services.... from what I hear they give support to the Mom by placing e child in foster care with the aim of letting them reunite once the Mom is back on her feet... See if government also provide such service...

Hi, There is no other way than giving the child for adoption if you do not want to abort. You can try at the following places and seek guidance as what can be done. https://app.msf.gov.sg/Policies/Strong-and-Stable-Families/Nurturing-Protecting-the-Young/Child-Protection-Welfare/Children-and-Young-Persons-Homes https://www.childrensociety.org.sg/#

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I believe there is an adoption option. I knew someone who was 14years old. She carried the child till birth, immediately the welfare department took the baby away under their care.

I believed if the person who didn't had a choice but doesn't want the baby. The best ideal way is for the birth mother to give the baby up for adoption to other parents who wanted a child badly but unable to conceive one.

There is no other way. Either you keep it, give her away or abort it. Please consider carefully. You must have gone through quite a bit to have such a thought.

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