3 Các câu trả lời

First of all, don't yell and just try and understand. Talking it out and listening is always the the best thing to do. Next step depends on how old is the 'teen'. If he/she is already around 17-18 I would be pretty cool about it. My mom is the same. She told me earlier on that if I wanted to smoke in college, I could. I just had to make sure to keep it moderate and not get addicted. But if it's definitely a younger teen a sit down would be more advisable on why he/she can't smoke. But banning cigs and punishing your teen would be the worst thing to do. Just calmly handle the situation.

For me, don't panic. Instead, think of other ways to provide a solution without hurting their feelings. Let's connect with the parents of their friends to discuss the issue. For sure, their peers have an influence towards them. After that, let's talk with our teen and let's start setting curfews. Let's be open to them.

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