14 Replies

Pediatricians still require lactose intolerant children to be exposed to milk and other dairy products. This specific food group is principal for young ages because it brings Calcium and Vitamin D. However, if these food items cause kids to abdominal pain, flatulence, or other symptoms of lactose intolerance, then dieticians suggest calcium-fortified cereals and orange juice as substitutes. Soy milk and lactose-free milk products are also available in groceries. Cheese and yogurts are moreover among the dairy products which contain less lactose. Lastly, good luck in making your children eat them though, but high in calcium vegetables like spinach and brocolli are also recommended.

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Coconut and almond milk are both good alternatives, and they're healthy too. But make sure that your children aren;t allergic to nuts or coconut before giving it to them.

Best to check with paed on this one. To ensure baby is getting the right and sufficient nutrients

I like almond milk as an alternative but talk tho their Dr just to be sure of no other allergies

Just get the lactose free milk. Or you could consult your peads.

Like my son..now he’s on soy milk..

Consult your paediatrician.

Soy milk is a good option.

Soy milk or Oatmeal Milk