20 Replies

I'd like to recommend something for her to be 'creatively productive' or something that makes her 'move/being active'. It could be a DIY (do it yourself) set or a running shoes -and you may ask her out for a running session on weekend. To add more reference, you might want ask her of what she thinks is highly useful for her. Hopefully it's not a gadget, though! :) Happy hunting!

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Nail Kits Gift !!! 12 years old girl love it because they're girlie. Every girl has their own design and taste and these nail kits alliw them to express their individually in different designs, colors and patterns.

I got for my niece what she wanted... normally I bring her out... see and look out for all the things she eye on....then I will get for her.... if not I will get voucher for her to get things that she like..

VIP Member

I like to buy books as I think reading is food for thought but I will observe my niece preference before I decide on the gift as everyone has different preference

VIP Member

I bring my niece for high tea and day out for shopping. Gave her $100 fraser voucher. In e end she bought a running shoe for herself.

I will try asking she something and what she want by chit chat with her, after know what she want. I got the mind set what she want.

Experience is always a good gift. Maybe take them to USS or the new canopy park at Jewel when it opens.

It will be nice for her to think of what she wants :) she might have her own thoughts.


Has she read Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls series? It's fantastic!

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