What's the duration u will give urself and ur baby to determine whether to apply toa and be a sahm till ur baby is a year old? Background of situation: baby's losing weight in sch cus not drinking well. He's 6mths. Household financially ok but if I stop working, it will be very tight and car has to be sold. Many have been telling me that give baby time to adapt etc. But what if he goes on like this for a few months?? I do not want to regret.

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To be honest, there is no good timeline for that as we all have different requirements and commitments in life. For example, a year for me might be too long or short for you. They are also some children who need longer time to adapt to new environment. My firstborn took 1 week to blend in to school but my second child has been in school for 3 months still not coping well. When I first quit my job to stay at home with kids, I plan to do so until my child is one year old. However, she is not coping well in school too so after much discussion with my husband we decided to postpone all our plans and let me continue to stay home to take care of them to nurse them back to health. To us, car, house, vacation can be earn be much later or slowly (doing part time job at home now) but children's health, childhood etc can't be reveresed and once you missed you only have regrets but there is always newer car, house when we are financially ready.

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8y trước

thanks racheal for us, if I were to quit, I will be losing an almost 5k job and saving 3k plus in total if car is sold and baby doesn't stay in ifc. financially very tight because we have total 2 kids at home and elder boy in childcare too and we r still paying for the house as well. hubby initially was agreeable but after that he scrapped of the idea of me being a sahm cus really cannot cope financially..sigh..

I could not bear to leave my baby with infant care so I quitted my job and be SAHM. Now she has started playgroup and is on half day programme with a childcare. After being a SAHM, I realized that the best gift for your kid is to always have a mum by his/her side. I guess I will continue to be SAHM and find some part time jobs if possible. :) Finance-wise, you got to work it out with your hubby. To me, car is just a good to have. It is pretty easier to travel around Singapore. I am sure there will be a way if you are determined enough to be a SAHM.

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How long has ur child been in e sch? Hv u eva thot of changing sch instead? Sometimes, e teachers juz dunno how to handle. I changed sch cos e Tchers really cannot make it. Pardon me pls. The Tchers in e new sch is so much better.. I wanted to be a sahm too but if i stop working, we will be financially very tight.. Fortunately, everything is gd in his new sch currently.

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Try to find out more or try to get other caretakers like family members to feed. If they are able to feed and not the teachers, means that they can't handle the kids. My son school has a girl who refuse bottles. it has to be syringe fed. They still manage to feed the girl. Sometimes teachers must be hardworking in helping too

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since u dun wanna regret then give baby another 1 mth max. if still losing weight, then be a sahm. maybe can take unpaid leave or work half day? baby is alwaz priority I feel. but don't worry so much as it could be a phase also. it will get better. starting baby on solids may also help in his weight gain.

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I'll give myself about 3-6 months. If baby keep on sick or cannot adapt well, I will consider be a sahm if finances allow.

if this goes on for a few months I'll definitely be a stay home mom. car and money can earn and buy again. time can't be reversed.

8y trước

thanks for the reply...may I know how many months would be ur benchmark?