What is micro cheating and emotional cheating?

What’s the difference between the two? Pashare po ng example or are they the same? Thank you

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examples of micro cheating can be the ff: 1. secretly messaging someone 2. saying things like "if i weren't in a relationship" 3. flirtatious jokes 4. maintaining contact with an ex 5. telling someone you're single even when you're not 6. having secret friendship 7. following inappropriate accounts on social media 8. hoping someone would notice you in a romantic way 9. always commenting on someones posts/pictures or even mag heart especially if nag notify na yung partner mo na what you're doing is not okay w them 10. turning to someone else for your emotional needs pag magkaaway kayo ng partner mo i think it's the same with emotional cheating. basta if you're already committed to someone tas nagpapapansin pa sa iba, it's cheating already. micro or emotional, still cheating.

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10mo trước

Super helpful. Thank you!

micro cheating po momshie is like yan sa social media accounts palitan ng text message or chats ganun po emotional cheating highly common na po yan lalo na sa kabit kabit po ganun

10mo trước

Micro cheating no physical contact purely chat/text? No sexual topics. Emotional cheating with confirmed relationship? Pano kung flirt2 lang like flrty topics na off sa pakiramdam mo as wife?