Treating maid

What is the difference between treating maid like helper or slave? First time employer but have been use to house work so want to ask helper do things also paiseh. Scared later treat like slave. So what is okay and not okay?

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Treat like understudy. Treat like new colleague. Draw a line. Be strict with rules and stick to it. Tell them of consequences, and once broken face the music so that lesson is learnt. But a small reward for facing consequences to help them understand why certain things are done a certain way. Do remember that some of these ladies are born and bred in very rural environment so when they come to SG, they’ll have extreme culture shock. Some may even take a month to get used to doing one thing properly. Be patient and keep guiding.

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i just plan her day with a daily chorse - make the bed, vaccum, mop n wipe area which kids frequent. there is weekly task - kitchen, fan, kids bedsheet n toilet. then monthly for window grill, fridge, etc. as her main duty is baby, we will adjust it if baby is fussy. no need to instruct her to do anything cos autopilot after 1 mth. during the first mth, be prepared to keep remind / rectifying her n teach+explain to her why we do certain things.

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Same here! Sometimes will also paiseh but my helper is quite zidong , when i need to throw the rubbish at the rubbish chute she sees me opening the door she’ll tell me to put at the kitchen and she’ll throw later

3y trước

That’s good of your helper. Mine is really hopeless.. even when i bring her to mall with my kids she will just stare at my face. Already one month here but super blur always stare at our faces for god knows what! I just caught her scooping dishes we just cooked from the pot using HANDS! So angry

Super Mom

Treat like employment with a job description and contract… not paiseh else they will take advantage of you