Formula fed baby poop watery is it diarrhoea?

What is considered as diarrhea for baby? Full formula. If baby only poop once on that day and its dark yellow watery, is it already considered diarrhoea? If baby poops watery stool 3 times on that day ? All mostly after milk and large amount of poop. But most of the days the poop is normal only some days its like that.

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No, unless you hear your baby keep pooping watery poop non stop. e.g watery poonami at 8am, watery poonami at 8.10am, watery poonami at 8.20am, watery poonami at 8.30am. You should feel as though there is something very wrong with the frequency, then it's diarrhea. Pooping just once a day is not diarrhea. 3 times is also not likely.

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