What are the cheese that you give to your child?

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It is best to avoid processed cheese as these usually contain a lot of chemicals, salt, preservatives, flavor enhancer etc. It is best to stick to natural cheese for babies and toddlers. Here are some that are considered safe: Cheddar, Parmesan, Edam, Colby, Colby Jack, Swiss, Mozzarella, Monterey Jack, Romano, Provolone, Red Leicester, Gouda, Cottage Cheese, Ricotta, Mascarpone, Cream Cheese (list is not exhaustive) And here are some to avoid: Brie, Camembert, Chevre, Queso Blanco, Queso Fresco (list is not exhaustive) One thing to look out for when choosing cheese would be the sodium content. Best to choose those that has less than 680mg per 100gm.

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8y trước

I second Hui qun. I normally give my 10 months baby organic block cheese like cheddar etc. It is important to check the label for sodium content.

Hi there, how old is your baby? Cheese is very good for baby and can be introduced as early as 8 months as long as baby has no dairy allergies. You can introduce the lighter tasting cheeses like American, Jack and Colby to baby first. String cheese is also a good choice.

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