Car Seat

What car seat u using? Why u choose that? What are the factors to consider?

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Cybex cloud and sirona, after doing lots of research on safety. Nevertheless both are very heavy and bulky so we always leave them in the car with isofix base. If you are not driving, I won’t recommend that.

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Cybex car seat. I needed a car seat which is light and easy to manage as I take Grab rides with my baby. It’s part of the Cybex system so it is interchangeable with a stroller

Joie every stages fx. Chose it as we wanted a good and safe car seat that will be able to use for a long time.

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Doona, it can be converted to a pram hence it won’t disturb a sleeping baby.

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I got a doona when baby sleep just remove whole thing very good.

Cybex as it can be attached to my stroller

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Lucky baby is not bad

Maxi cosi