What are the best home remedies to lighten C-section scars?

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To lighten C-section scars at home, consider: Aloe Vera Gel: Known for healing properties. Coconut Oil: Moisturizes and aids skin regeneration. Vitamin E Oil: Supports skin repair. Honey: Has antibacterial properties for healing. Lemon Juice: Citric acid may lighten scars. Shea Butter: Rich in nutrients for skin elasticity. Onion Extract: Some studies suggest scar reduction. Silicone Gel/Sheets: Available over the counter for scar reduction. Cucumber Paste: Cools and lightens the skin. Rosehip Seed Oil: Rich in vitamins, aids in scar reduction. Perform a patch test, be patient, and consult a professional if needed. https://codezng.com/how-to-block-zong-sim/

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