1 Replies


baby wipes 1 pack of nb diaper baby bath tub steriliser get a haakaa breast pump first. what I did is i use haakaa to collect I bought my pump online 2nd day after I give birth confirm I will have milk first and my pump arrives 5th day when I'm home. before that I just haakaa anw the milk will only fully be ready at least a week after giving birth.

Thanks 😊 I have some stock of baby wipes and some samples of baby diapers in NB, S and M sizes. I haven't bought more thinking what if it's not suitable for the baby. So thought better to try with samples first and later buy in bulk. And also they aren't too pricey to buy in advance. I mean I won't be saving much by buying now. May be I'll list out the things needed. I have a rough list. Need to start checking on pricing 😀

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