what are the top reasons that baby wakes up in the middle of the night?

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My baby usually wakes up in the middle of night when he wants milk! He will usually fall back to sleep immediately after nursing. Some other reasons that he wakes up in the middle of the night are - when he urines. Cos I can smell it. Haha - when he wants to fart - when he has wind in his tummy - when he is awaken by mommy's or daddy's movement cos we co sleep with our baby - when he feels too cold

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On top of the reasons given above, babies might wake up in the middle of the night because of over-excitement in the day. For example, my baby niece, if she was very "social" (e.g. being around too many people at a gathering) in the day, she'll end up waking up a few times at night. After being coaxed and comforted a few times, she sleeps peacefully... like a baby haha.

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For my babies, when they were young, they wake up in the middle of night for the reasons below: 1. Hungry and need milk 2. Latching for comfort 3. Wet/Soiled diaper 4. Colic issues/tummy wind/tummy pain 5. Teething pain

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