What are the pros and cons of opting for water birth?

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Off the top of my head, pros would include: 1) Since births can be made easier when working with gravity, getting into a comfortable upright position may be less strenuous if you’re using a birth pool. 2) It may be easier to push your baby out in the water than in normal circumstances. You'll be supported by the water and can use the sides of the pool for extra support. 3) Proponents of water birth believe that the transition to the outside world is less traumatic for babies who are born in water. Cons would include: 1) There could be a risk of infection in a birth pool. As you push, you may open your bowels in the water and baby can accidentally ingest. 2) If there is an emergency, like baby's heartbeat getting irregular etc, you might need to leave the birthing pool and this could take some time.

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