What are the benefits of tummy massage for babies?

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Abdominal massage is believed to be able to help ease discomfort from stomach upset. It may help promote digestion, lessen gastric upset and soothe muscles and nerves in the abdominal area. To give your baby a tummy massage, simply place your hands at the level of baby’s navel, using your fingertips, gently but firmly rub over her tummy in a circular motion. Next, you can hold your baby’s knees and feet together, then gently press them up toward abdomen. Gently rotate baby’s hips a few times to one side, then to the other. Doing this may help releasing excess gas. Lastly, place your hand on baby’s tummy horizontally and rock hand from side to side. Do this over the area below his/her navel. One thing to note is that you should only perform these massages after the umbilical cord has healed completely. Here’s an article that gives the steps (and also a video) to a tummy massage that may help ease symptoms of colic and diarrhea: http://sg.theasianparent.com/tummy-massage-for-colic-and-constipation/

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