What are good first foods to try for baby lead weaning?

Your baby's first foods should ideally be selection of fresh fruits or soft-cooked vegetables, fats, and healthy carbohydrates. So its best to include fruits and veggies such as Avocados, Banana, Sweet potatoes, Soft cooked apples, Soft cooked carrots, green beans, zucchini, beets, ripe peaches and pears, plums, and melon, pumpkin Green beans with the skins, removed Egg yolk Meat or poultry. You should avoid foods that pose a choking hazard such as grapes, cherries, tomatoes, or nuts. Also avoid table salt and sugar, as well as unhealthy processed foods like chips, readymade breakfast cereals, foods with high sugar content like candies or chocolate.
Read moreWe gave our daughter stewed apples to start with or pureed pear, but she refused all bottled purees. We found that traditional foods worked best for her and also never gave her any wind. By 8 months she was having pureed kichdi, lentil soups, other vegetables. We also gave her ragi porridge.
Apple, pear, bananas. Give variety of fruits instead of restricting to one or two. You can also try avocado, you can make a dip out of it and put it on toast or crackers. Or knead it into chapati dough to make super soft chapatis. Or spread it on dosa and make rolls.
Best First Foods for Baby Led Weaning Avocados, Banana, Sweet potatoes, Soft-cooked apples, Soft-cooked carrots, green beans, zucchini, and beets, Very ripe peaches and pears, plums, and melon, Pumpkin, Green beans with the skins removed, Egg yolk
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You can start with fruits like apples, pears, bananas and avocado either stewed or pureed. Homemade purees are preferred. In veggies you can try sweet potatoes, pumpkin and carrots.
Wedges of avacado are great. Steamed apples and pears are also good starters. Never give grapes! They are a choking hazard.
First vegetable puree, than fruits puree. Start with the least tasty ones so he/ she won't reject them later.
Try ripe Packham pears. Soft n sweet, no steaming needed