My elder daughter drank till 2. She drinks UHT milk now. Marigold brand. It tastes different from fresh milk. You can try. Or you can explore milo with milk/chocolate milk/strawberry milk. Lots of ways to encourage drinking milk:)
My boy 2 yrs old and i gave him either meiji fresh milk or Dumex Dugro3 for 1-3 yrs. Give the right formulamilk to ur LO so he gets the right amount of nutrients daily. Thats most important.
In general, experts recommend weaning your baby off of formula and onto full fat dairy milk at around 12 months of age.
My nephew is 5, but still drinking formula too. May I know how much is your boy drinking?
u can try mixing fm & fresh milk. my brothers were on fm till 12yo 😅
A little after 13 months