Activities for 9 months old baby

What activities do you do with your baby during their wake windows? I feel like I am not doing enough with him because I didn’t plan or DIY any activity. I feel mum-guilt if I just let him play with simple toys, read to him, lie on bed etc. Do mummies feel this way? Like a constant need to engage and do activities that we see on social media will help their development? #firsttimemum

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Hey there! I totally understand where you're coming from. As a mom, it's easy to feel the pressure to constantly entertain and engage with our little ones, especially when we see all those fancy activities on social media. But trust me, simple activities can be just as beneficial for your 9-month-old baby! During wake windows, you can try activities like sensory play with safe household items (like containers with different textures or soft fabrics), playing with baby-safe mirrors, or even just exploring the outdoors together. Singing, talking, and reading to your baby are also great for their development, so don't underestimate the power of those simple activities. It's okay to let your baby play with simple toys and have some independent playtime too. It's actually really important for them to learn how to entertain themselves and explore their surroundings. And remember, babies are constantly learning and developing, so even everyday activities like household chores can be a learning experience for them. Don't feel guilty for not planning DIY activities all the time. Your baby is learning and growing every day, and your love and attention are the most important things for their development. So, take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy these precious moments with your little one! You're doing great, mama! #yougotthis

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