how accrurate is gender reveal via ultrasound?
Went for routine check up and ultrasound and doc said "should be" a girl but don't go ahead and buy baby stuff first ?

girl is never confirmed, but if it's boy than it's confirmed, cos ultrasound only see by the shape of the genital). My friend once deliver premature twins, at first they gave girls name, but a week after delivery they changed the name to boy name (one of the twins didn't make it btw). unless u did a chromosome (DNA) test at 13 weeks (like harmony test), then u can confirm if it's a girl.
Read moreGender predictions made by ultrasound have an accuracy rate up to 90%. But mistakes can be made when determining gender because it depends on the clarity of the images and the skills of the person interpreting them. For the time being do enjoy your pregnancy experience.
mine too 😑 went for ultrasound on the 20 wks, one angle its like a boy the next angle is like a girl. going for next ultrasound to confirm end mth. ouh, my baby didnt want to cooperate. keep closing his face and dont want to open up leg. so that's why
Hmm I'd say it's pretty accurate but best to follow your doctor's advice. Because at certain weeks it can be hard to tell whether it's a boy or girl. Or you can go for a blood test, which is pretty accurate too!
I used blood test to determine but thats tgt with the panaroma test. As for the normal ultrasound have to wait baby bigger abit sometimes its covered up thats why the accuracy nt so high
Im at week 16 now. Doc just said looks like nothing in between the leg.
I can say it is pretty accurate especially if the fetus is facing in the front view when u are doing the scan at around 5 month.:)
I took the harmony test which gave me accurate gender reveal at week 8. Whatever the gender just enjoy the pregnancy :)
Wait for your detailed scan or ultrasounds at later stages to really confirm. If not a blood test would do the trick:)
It was accurate both times for me. I would say 99% accurate in most cases.
It is better to enjoy the whole pregnancy experience :)
with a very active mimilk monster