2 Replies

I don’t think there is a need to induce so early tho… unless baby is in distress or there’s any other underlying conditions then that’s a different case. I know nothing about percentile tbh, but my baby was on the smaller side, induced at week 40 due to low fluid, 2.6kg. Your gynae only advised induce? Maybe you want to seek for 2nd opinion?

thank you for the tips .. much appreciated!

I was informed at week 31, due to my pregnancy complications may need to induce labour at week 35. I was so worried baby too small and changed my lunch meals to mainly protein to boost the baby weight. Gladly my complications seems recovering and will induce labour at week 37, currently baby weight at 2.9kg

i will take note of this.. i really² want the baby to grow... thank you for your advice...❤️❤️

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