4 Replies

Yup, my first pregnancy was like that. Only managed to “catch up” a little on baby’s growth on the last two months before delivery. Baby remains on the small end of the percentile for growth till now (almost three). But she’s healthy and hitting milestones timely or faster than average for some. Don’t be worried about baby’s size too much as long as he/she is healthy, mummy 😊😊

Yes alhamdulillah. No additional blood tests was required. 😊 now with second pregnancy, baby’s more normal in size and I feel less worried. I guess as mothers we can’t help but worry about anything that doesn’t seem normal but rest assured, as long as baby is healthy try not to worry abt the size.

I'm at 37th week now & my baby is measuring on the smaller side too & weighting around 2.5kg. I think as long they are healthy, it should be fine.

Donwori its normal as this is still early development stage. Baby will grow during this stage. Eat healthy, hv gd rest & take ur supplement.

eat more healthy foods momma 😉

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