Smaller tummy

Week 17 and i feel my tummy smaller and softer compared to previous weeks and still no baby movements felt yet. Feeling slightly anxious..

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Too early to feel movement. Tummy size doesn't determine everything. Most important is that the baby is within a healthy weight. My tummy feels softer in morning, harder at night 🤭

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I was able to feel baby movement at week 20. My tummy was not so bulgy even till delivery but I delivered a healthy baby girl. so tummy size doesn't indicate anything

Its normal mummy! Movement will start after 20 weeks. Tummy will slowly grow bigger.. u will slowly start to feel ur tummy gets tighter usually at night.

it’s still too early. only worry by week 28 and you still can’t feel

I only started to feel my baby at week 25. Don’t worry too much!

No worries, still early to feel baby movements