Cold sweat, panting, pulse sensation

Week 15+5 now. Nausea came back again this week after taking a break for 1 week, super horrible. Recently having cold sweats easily especially when I’m standing (q-Ing for food / waiting for bus) sometimes seeing stars, and almost blackout a few times. Recently also easily panting after walking short distance and feeling the pulsing sensation on the back of left head while sleeping. #advicepls #worried

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Strongly advise you go back to your following hospital for glucose test, as this happened with my wife. This is due to imbalance hormones during pregnancy and there is plenty of glucose supports in the market, however please seek advise as you’ll be doing blood test, weight and blood pressure to determine the conditions. PS: Ask for help, do not reject or afraid of seeking assistance from your colleague or family members for basic needs.

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2y trước

May I know what was the results of the test for your wife? Whst causes the imbalance hormones? Is it serious? I’ve not reach week 26-28 for the glucose test yet. Is it link or you’re referring to another test? Sorry, abit lost and confused and worried.

Hi mummy, I also had blacking of vision and sweating symptoms a few times when I queue up, and then had one fainting episode. Went to see GP and gynae who both said it is due to pregnancy related hormones that slow down our blood flow back to the brain, hence we cannot stand too long without moving. Please check with your gynae too and be careful!

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2y trước

They also said to ensure always hydrated and if you start to feel blacking out, sit down somewhere immediately to help the blood flow back

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