7 Replies

Hi mummy, Maybe you can consider giving your lo fruit or vegetable mesh feeder (as per the picture ) This is safe and healthy. Our lo can enjoy her snack anytime of the day. .you can also provide cold fruit too so it can help to relieve their teething irritation. My no 2 loved that :)

can try to put in steam purple sweet potatoes ..yummy too:)

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Keep remind her no thumb and push out and beat her firm and say to her firmly "NO". And give her a teether and push in the mouth and tell her bite. So far, work well for my 2 kids, hence they seldom bite they thumbs.

ok.. hehe..

Get the baby a teething toy. Needing to suck on something is perfectly natural and something most babies will go through. Seems harsh to tell her "NO!" when it's such a natural thing for babies.

Maybe you can get a teething toy for baby? The Sophie giraffe toy seems a popular choice for teething babies. Moreover since the toy looks fun, she'll more likely suck on that instead of her hand.

i did give my lo teether but other. i saw a new on the teether which is not very safe if parent not on a lookout. the news is regarding a baby using this teether and the baby kana choke by the leg.. but lucky the mum came out to check on the baby and in t

I keep pulling both my kids hands and said firmly no.. went on for a week and they don't suck it since then

Get a colorful teething toy or guess what yr LO's favourites...