Sudden bleeding at week 12, visit to KKH 24hr urgent clinic?

Was peeing in the middle of the night as usual when I notice my pantyliner was full of blood like regular menstruating. Changed the pantyliner so far no blood but still very worried as I had never bleed so much other than spotting since getting pregnant Intending to go visit kkh24 HR clinic since today is Sunday. Just wondering I am a kkh subsidised patient, will visit to the urgent care clinic be charged subsidised too?#advicepls #pregnancy

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Bled thru a pad in an hour went to kkh o&g doc did a scan see if baby has heartbeat then checked for dilation. If got heartbeat and not dilating will be sent home and prescribed dUphaston 3 x a day

I also bled quite badly like menses around this period but was due to overwalking resulting in tear.. hope u r ok now! Tc!

3y trước

yea. was given antibiotics and pressary capsule for vaginal infection

Yes! Please go to kkh urgent o&g.

Thành viên VIP

please go immediately to the a&e

Go urgent care !