Pregnancy bump and when to reveal pregnancy?
Hi all! Just wanted to find out roughly when do baby bumps start to show and at how many weeks did you reveal your pregnancy to family or friends? I don't want to do it too early until the pregnancy is stable which i think is 12 weeks? But if the bump shows obviously I may need to consider telling them earlier.

My parents knew at week 6 when I was hospitalized from dehydration due to nausea, and it was obvious for my colleagues cos I had morning sickness every single day for the first 3 months. Gradually told close friends and other relatives from week 14-18 cos for me that was the year end period and we had lots of gatherings and meet ups! Couldn’t wear my normal jeans/pants from 5th month but bump was only obvious from the 6th month onwards. Agree with some mamas here when they say don’t have to rush to reveal cos you’ll have less opinions to deal with (drag it out if you can haha). But for me, I felt that having my own parents know from the start was a good thing, because my first trimester was terrible and they were the best support I could ever have. If your first trimester isn’t so good, pls don’t go through it alone just cos you’re waiting for the “right time” to reveal! If you need the support, let someone you trust know early. :)
Read moreMy bump didn’t really show until 5.5 months so I only informed my parents and parents in law at 5.5 months. Friends and colleagues at 6 months. It is really dependent on when you will start showing. Some people started showing very early. Some people only start showing at 6 months. It helps when you wear very loose clothing. There are perks to announcing your pregnancy very late because it saves you from worrying and hearing a lot of opinions from people, coming at you in all directions. My husband and I enjoyed our 6 months of peace and just being in our own bubble of joy without any worries and white noises from people. We were travelling a lot too
Read moreI only told the parents after our first visit to the gynae, which was at 8 weeks. I also told my immediate boss at 8 weeks in case I needed to take MC on and off. For the rest of the colleagues, I only told them after the 20-week FA scan and by then I was showing quite prominently already, so I couldn't keep the news in haha.
Read moreMy baby bump only started to show around 7 months but still on a smaller side! I only revealed to my close ones & workplace at 3rd month and relatives & other less close ones at 5th month via social media.
It depends on the individual! Mine just looked like food belly until 16 weeks but if wear tight clothing then could tell by 14 weeks? I told my family and friends at the 13th week :)
I told my close friends and family at week 8! It’s nice to have people to talk to about the pregnancy and have them look out for you :)
I told parents at 12 weeks, wider family at 14 weeks and at work at 24 weeks (I wasn’t showing belly until 24 weeks)
I told family member at 3 months, bump starts to show at 4-5 months
I stick to the 3 months rule