3 Replies

Ohhhh I feel you. My husband helped only during the first few months even so he had to be told and will drag his feet to do something. Eventually I got fed up and did everything myself cause whatever he does is not up to my expectations or he will give me s*** attitude as well. Now I don’t even bother asking him, I’ll do it myself. I’m tired too, but to keep my sanity, I don’t bother getting frustrated by asking him to do something he doesn’t have the initiative to do. Although sometimes I just give the used bottle to him and tell him to wash while I go do something else. I also tell my LO to tell him that she’s pooped or want to shower. After a while he does it on the spot. Lol. It gets better when LO is bigger. Hang in there, you can talk it out with him but in general, men are not wired to do household chores or look after baby without guidance from a queen. Treat him like a roommate if he gives you attitude.

Why do men have that kind of mentality that their role is just to play with lo? 😑

Hi, it’s okay to rant here however do discuss your feelings with your husband. I am a full time working mum as well. My husband prefer to help bathing and entertaining/playing our 4mo baby whenever he’d returned home from work rather than helping on the rest of tasks. I am okay with this as my baby direct latch from me after I picked her from infant care. While my husband is playing with her, I’ll proceed to clean and sterilized the bottles and my pump parts. The rest of housework can really wait because spending time with my baby is the most precious after all.

I have told him how I feel a lot of time, but it’s like talking to a pc of wooden block. I do my laundry when lo go ifc or at night when she slp.

I feel you. Even though my hb will help to tc of baby but i also need to rant! He feeds and slp wif my lo, the washing n sterilizing happens last time but now is like 5%. Every time also ask me throw the trash zzz. Guys r liddat, how much slp also complain not enuf. When i ask him wash the bottles he tell me to wait. But never happens anymore coz he is slping. Anyway i dun get 5h of slp. My lo is also 7 m

It’s damn irritating and annoying right? Every other days I have to do laundry while he sit n chill at sofa! Asked him to keep clothes, show attitude again.

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