Any recommendation Gynae in KKH?

Hi, just wanna ask if any one of you have any recommendations for Gynae in KKH. Got bad experience seeing private not once but twice. So hope i can receive some good recommendation from here.

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my gynae was dr lee chia min. great doctor, very friendly and takes care of the mummy very well. she noticed my fatigue and lack of iron just by a glance. thoroughly looked at my health record and adviced accordingly.

3y trước

Thanks for sharing! Will look probably look through and consider Dr Lee Jiah Min. 😀

Dr Wang Junjie! Very reassuring and genuinely caring. Will take time to explain and make sure you understand what is going on even if you ask a lot of questions.

3y trước

Thanks for sharing! Will look through and consider. 😄

my gynae is Dr Han How Chuan. very nice and reassuring, like talking to my own dad. responds to my email late at night if i have any questions too.

3y trước

yeap! he it’s on his namecard.

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Go for subsidy plan. With no regular gynae. Trust me,they are even more better than just 1 gynae attending to you every appt

3y trước

Ohh ok, but for me i prefer to have 1 gynae doctor throughout my pregnancy journey. But still, thanks for sharing! 😊

you can try prof Jerry Chan

3y trước

no problem