7 Replies

if you are an active person before preggy, then yes you should continue your activity ( as long as they are not high risk like horse riding) as much as your body allows.. Best is to not try anything new or increase in intensity too much when you are preggy. if you are not an active person before pregnancy, you can start bit by bit. say this week aim to get 5k steps the whole day.. then next week increase to 5.5k for whole day? slowly increase week by week, little by little. Im still spinning. but i take it damn slow and chill.. like most part of the session im sitting on the bike, moving my legs and not do the hands off choreography.

depend on your body I would say.. I walk my son to sch, sometimes even carry him ard 15-20mins when I am pregnant with my second one..so as long as your body can take it and gynae nv advise you to stop or what, I dun see why not..

I second this. depending on your body ☺️ I carried my 2 year old from First trimester till 2nd. walked daily to and fro school and shop , even to tpy central 😂 entering 3rd tri , I stopped as my body couldn't handle it anymore so now even I go central need to either walk really slow or take the bus . it's good to keep as active as you can as long yr body can take it! ☺️

You can exercise as long as you feel comfortable! I didn’t stop going to the gym even when I found out I was pregnant at around 5 weeks. I’m now in Week 30 and am still going but am doing much less strenuous exercises.

of cos. I walk 2 hrs or more daily even up to just the day before I deliver. baby came out fast after pushing for less than 1 min. walk more if can.

if you are doing frequent exercises before preggy, you should continue during preggy unless adviced by doctor not to.

Dont overwalk can already. I went whole day of shopping not knowing the risk.. ended up with a tear…

Just walk normally… Rest if tired. No need to time.

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