Graduated 41+2, failed induction, emergency CS
Very traumatic but very worth it

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Super Mom
Same experience mommy it was also failed induction and ended up in emergency CS. Nakaka traumatize talaga yung ganung experience. Congratulations po. Pagaling ka. 💛
Congratulations mommy. Healthy baby po 😍 Ingat kayo lage and God bless.
Congratulations po! Ang cute ni baby. ❤️ God bless po!
congrats momsh 😇😇41 weeks sya ilan grams baby mo ?
Thành viên VIP
Congratulations po sa iyong cute niyong baby💖
Influencer của TAP
congrats po mommy..pagaling ka po..☺️
Congrats mommy. Super cute 😍
ang cute cute!! congrats po😊
congratulations sis ❤️
cute baby. congrats mummy!