Very tempted to get a Yao Lan but I have heard a lot of cons about it. Do u guys still recommend getting one?

Depend how you look at things. I believe many people are still using yao lan for the convenient sake. And baby are growing up well. My no1 uses yaolan, but she don't sleep long because she never like yaolan. Pros- easy to coax them to sleep in afternoon. But anyway we need to transfer her to bed. Because she don't sleep long inside. Cons- if hospitalised or need to go elsewhere to sleep, it's not going to be easy as everytime we yao the baby to sleep hence took time and ways to coax her to sleep. My no2, the differences is when i'm not around, my gmil babywear and shake him to sleep. Kind of tired way as times goes by. He is not light too. So depend, you want a easier way or a tired way. No2, we try baby rocker, but the momentum is different, we didn't success using baby rocker to rock him to sleep, while my fren success using it, so got to try and error to know what your baby prefer. Hence, after we babywear and coax him to sleep, we transfer him to rocker to prolong his nap. Anyway my gmil complain till now, if got yaolan, she will rock him to sleep. Or he may sleep longer. I think my son will like yaolan too.
Read moreI wouldn't recommend a yao lan to lull baby to sleep, heard too many horror stories about injuries and suffocation. If it is still something you'd consider, I agree with the mommy above, not too long --- not more than 30 minutes and keep a close eye on baby. Personally I would use a baby rocker. I feel more assured that baby is in a chair-like rocker as opposed to being enclosed in a cloth hammock.
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Hi! You can take a look at this article while considering: Just to share my own experience, my parents used yao lan for me and I didn't think there's any bone structural issue that I have. They only used it for nap times in the day and have me co-sleeping with them at night.
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