Yes, healthy kids need vaccination

Vaccinations are intended to help keep healthy kids HEALTHY. Because vaccines work by protecting the body before disease strikes, if we wait until our child gets sick, it will be too late for the vaccine to work. The best time to immunize kids is when they're healthy. #immunization #vaccination #vaccinationeducation #vaccines

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Thành viên VIP

yes 100% agree ako dito. let's encourage everyone to get their kids vaccinated too.

Influencer của TAP

Super agree and very true eto mommy Prevention is better than cure ika nha dba?

Influencer của TAP

Agree 100%. Let’s encourage all to get their kids vaccinated ❤️

Thành viên VIP

Super agree! Nasa huli ang pagsisisi kaya do not miss any vaccines.

Thành viên VIP

100% agree! Our pamana to our children! Complete vaccination

Thành viên VIP

Yes, prevention is better than cure 🙌

Thành viên VIP

I totally agree with this. 😊💉

Thành viên VIP

agree💯 momma☺️

Thành viên VIP

100% right! 👏🏻

Thành viên VIP

absolutely! 😍