Until what age did you breastfeed your baby? Please share your experience or breastfeeding journey. I'm considering sending my baby to infant care soon and wondering if I should continue to breastfeed or switch to formula milk.

I cld only bfeed till he was abt 6 months because my supply was dropping once I got bck to work. As an undersupply mom I alr supplemented with formula v early. I think if ur supply is ok, u may want to pump and continue bfeeding. Or some moms do both. Give baby formula in IFC and bfeed at home. But u still need to keep up with pumping at work otherwise ur supply will drop.
Read moreI cld only bfeed till he was abt 6 months because my supply was dropping once I got bck to work. As an undersupply mom I alr supplemented with formula v early. I think if ur supply is ok, u may want to pump and continue bfeeding. Or some moms do both. Give baby formula in IFC and bfeed at home. But u still need to keep up with pumping at work otherwise ur supply will drop.
Read moreI just send my 6 months old to IFC and I am doing both. In school will be FM while home will be BM/FM + Friso Cereal. I don't pump but direct latch. I can go on without pumping for few hrs as my supply is not overwhelming. Therefore, direct latch helps to clear milk engorgement.
18months. But I am solely pumping. You can pump out and prepack in bottles then pass to teacher. They will fridge it and heat up. It depends on which one will be more convenient for you. Alternatively you can give formula at IFC then bm at home.
sure, thanks