15 Các câu trả lời
Same here.. Halos wala na akong tulog kasi kahit matutulog n lang kunting sagi lang o ingay, iyak ng iyak agad
https://www.facebook.com/ceylonmoors/videos/894726250596957/ Try mo to mumsh. Sana effective.
Lagyan mo sis mansanilla tyan baka po humihilab tyan nia..
Ilang weeks na po ba sya. May nababasa po ako iswaddle daw.
Why Newborn Babies are Fussy in the Evening Share:  If your baby is an angel during the day, but suddenly becomes incredibly fussy at night (preventing you from having any peace and quiet after 5:00 p.m.), you might be experiencing what’s commonly known as “the witching hour.” It might start right around dinnertime, and it might seem as though there’s no cause. It can often feel as though nothing helps your baby calm down. Pacifiers won’t hold in the fussiness and the feedings don’t seem to provide any relief. It’s important to remember that nearly all babies go through this stage of getting fussy during the evening. It will typically happen after they are a couple of weeks old and might last until they are about three months old. Why does my infant get fussy at night? There are several reasons why your baby might be getting fussy right around the same time each evening. COLIC Colic is often defined as crying or fussiness that occurs more than three weeks in a row, happens
Ganyan din po baby ko .
Shiela Malano Pascua