3 Các câu trả lời

It is not advisable to let a newborn cry over an extended period of time. Crying for too long may cause them to be more gas prone as there is an increased inhalation of air then usual. Babies cry as that is their only way of communicating to us. It is both normal when a baby cries when in need and when is just plain fussy. The website below will be able to give you a better picture. http://www.babycenter.com/404_is-it-true-that-crying-strengthens-a-babys-lungs_10323703.bc Hope this helps.

It shouldn't be the case as crying won't strengthen their lungs, nor would crying at night make them gassy. Babies cry because they want something or there's something that they can't communicate. Crying is actually pretty hard on a baby, so it's best if you try and console your baby as soon as they cry. :)

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