baby oil and lotion
Is it true that baby oil and lotion will make baby skin darker. My baby came out very fair. His father is filipino. But ever since i put lotion and baby oil his skin nie is turning red and getting darker. I have already stop the baby oil but im still using the lotion.

Nope. Normally when baby came out skin color dark red will changed to fair and fair will changed to slightly darker.Baby oil is good use for moisterizer baby skin and i also used for my son since baby until now. His skin very fair and moist. Keep it up used sis☺️
Usually it takes 6 months for baby's melanin to fully develop. My girl went from dark to fair then dark again in 4 weeks 🤣and I dont put any lotion or baby oil on her! Now she's looking quite fair again but I dont mind as long as she's healthy. ☺
Xde la dear. X buat kulit gelap pun. Sbb my bby pn guna lotion since born. Johnson bby kaler purple tu. Literally kalau bby lahir kulit merah2 baru being fair. Kalau putih biasa, selalunya akan jd sdikit gelap bile besar..
My baby tak pakai apa apa pun bertukar gelap juga kulit dia . Awal keluar tu memang kulit baby cerah sikit kot then baru akan bertukar warna permanent .
No la. I don’t think the baby oil or lotion can make baby skin darker.