3 Replies

Super Mum

It sounds nice to hear your baby’s heartbeat, but you see, sometimes baby turns in weird positions and it’s not easy to find the correct place to put the probe if you’re not trained. Or if baby’s too small initially, you might not even be able to locate the heart easily. In that case, you might just end up panicking that you can’t hear baby’s heartbeat or fear that something’s wrong even if there’s nothing to worry about. So perhaps the best thing you can do is still to count baby’s movements, as your gynae would advise:) At least 10 movements within a 12 hour period. The movements make you feel really happy too:)

Thanks! Mine is only 8w but what u say makes sense:)

Super Mum

I read from online article that sometime you may mistook your own heartbeat as the baby’s. Since it’s not recommended, I wouldn’t get . But it’s entirely to you :)

I wanted to get one too but saw online that it’s not recommended.

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