How's the pain like if induce and natural birth? Can u mummies explain to me more.

Hi today morning is my last check up at KKH. As my gynae said, if I'm ready, I can bring along my hospital bag for induction as my baby weight is 3.2kg on 38weeks. Currently I'm on 39weeks now. I'm just feeling curios many mummies said induce is more painful then natural birth. So can I know what's the diff pain that u mean? 😅 I'm still not ready yet to give birth.

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Super Mom

Hi Mama, Induced labour is usually more painful than natural labour. In natural labour, contraction build up slowly, while in induced labour, contractions start more quickly and stronger. If labour is induced, you are also more likely need other interventions like forceps or vacuum. Hope that helps!

4y trước

Most welcome!