Single Mom Need Work Harder?

So today I started work at 4pm till 10pm. Thankfully tomorrow I got the rest day since I followed my leaders schedule. But Ill be starting to work fulltime till 2 next month. Until then, I just hope my baby bump doesnt show much? oh my baby.. Mommy will work hard for us?? I love you sayang.. May Allah gives us strength and guides us endlessly.. Aminn??? To all single mothers, or mothers who are working this hard for your family, I salute you? you have this strong-willed towards your goal for the sake of your family! Dont be unmotivated and keep going stronger! Enjoy your life too?

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stay strong, mommy. i am a single working mom too. God gave us life because He knows we are strong enaf to live it. #36weeks #nevergiveup #mybabyismypriority

5y trước

Yeah💜 we're giving a test by Him💜 so that He knows that we can get through this💜

U'll get thru it. As I'm done n went for it. Work from 9.30am-10.30pm,work until my due date.. N a single mom also. Just trust urself n keep fighting

5y trước

I will💜 a phase where Im not on my own. 💜Mommy youre strong

kuat Nye awk mommy ... jaga diri n baby baik2 ye ... semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan awk ... respect sngt 😢

5y trước

Amin amin.. 💜 Thanks mommy

Semoga di permudah kan segala urusan u & future bby.. keje kuat2, kesihatan mesti jg. Checkup jgn lupa.. ✌🏻

5y trước

Checkup hujung bulan nanti tp tu la kadang2 weak sangat rasa badan ni.. 💜 Will do mommy

u got my respect mom...keep strong ya..!jangan putus Asa...u can do it ❤️❤️

5y trước

Yeahh.. Yes daddy always💜

Dugaan hebat untuk orang yg hebat. Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan sis. ❤️

5y trước

Amin amin💜

awww😭😭😭 stay strong yah and dont over work yourself.

5y trước

😊😊Will do.. Thank you mommy💜

Sis boleh x saya nk pm ngn sis, saya nk tanya sesuatu ngn sis🤗

5y trước

Boleh boleh. Boleh ke ig saya

stay strong sis ... allah sntiasa dgn kitaaa

5y trước

Terima kasih💜 yes💜

strong momi. wishing u the best of luck.

5y trước
