5 Replies

Fridge-to-go is a popular choice for mummies who need to be out for a long period, say 6-12 hours depending on which type you decide to purchase. The advantage of it is that you do not need extra ice packs to go along with it; however because it uses freezing panels to keep cool, it can be quite heavy if you're travelling outside with your baby. http://www.fridge-to-go.com.sg/products/baby-and-child.html Another alternative is the Unimom cooler bag which is smaller in size. It comes with 2 ice packs that can keep milk cool up to 8 hours. If you need to go out for a longer period, you can get more ice packs to go along with it. Daiso sells ice packs in different volumes. http://www.pupsikstudio.com/unimom-cooler-bag-5-bottles-2-ice-packs-.html If you need to pump and carry your milk, the Vcoool cooler bag is also a good option. You only need 1 bag to keep everything in because there is a separate compartment for pump storage. I use it with about 4 ice packs and the milk can be kept cool for more than 12 hours. There is also a variety of colours for you to choose from. http://www.v-coool.com/default.aspx?xmls=web/en/product_show.html&productid=321

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Fridge-to-go is a popular choice. http://www.fridge-to-go.com.sg/cooling-technology/advantages-of-ftg.html I hear the Medela cooler bags work well too. An affordable and popular option is Autumnz cooler bags.

Recommend the JL Childress 6 Bottle Cooler Tote Bag at $22 from Pupsik.its a good size for mums on the go and the sling makes it easy to carry around
